Shower Waterproofing


Waterproofing Shower Walls Is A Must

Kirdi-Waterproofing-System-Before-Tiles-In-Dex-ConstructionMaking sure your shower is properly waterproofed is an absolute must. Water can be extremely intrusive and will find any and every possible point of exit. By the time you realize you have a leak the damage can be an expensive endeavour  Water can get in behind walls and it doesn’t take much to cause problems. Even a small amount consistently leaking into and onto porous materials can cause damage and mold. A product that has proven itself worthy time and time again is the  “schluter” product line. The “Kirdi” membrane coupled with the shower base and curb can ensure full waterproofing if installed correctly. You can install the membrane on almost any substrate and it creates a full waterproof barrier under your tiles. With this membrane opportunities for seepage are virtually eliminated, which includes where your doors attached the tile walls and curb and of course your plumbing. “Schluter” offers  a host of options for example benches and niches that incorporate into the system to create a full seamless waterfrrf enclosure.

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